- the display of the component list has been improved (no more 3D effect and centred pictures)
- the component names are right centred (definitively!)
- new "Delays" dialog with a popup that show a new kind of file called "family". A family file contains delay values that are used for the inputs and outputs of all members of this family. Family files must be in the "Families" folder to be loaded and shown in the popup menu. A family is create with the "Create new family" command et can be edited later with the "Modify family" command
- Warning: the delays (only) in the documents made with older versions of LogicSim are lost
- the <tab> key (which didn't work in 2.6.2b) can now be used in the standard way in dialogs
- the default family for all components is "Default delays" (which contains only 0 delays)
- the name of the family is written in geneva 9, red and plain
- draging items to the Finder trash has the same effect as 'delete'
- I hope that the wires are better drawn on LaserWriter (?), ie they have the good width
- change in the menu management. The title of a menu that have no enabled item becomes gray. The time between the click on the menu title and the drawing of the menu must be shorter.
- nicer scrollbars with proportional thumbs and 3d arrows
- bus are now allowed, no more 'wired' component needed. This means that several outputs can be connected at the same node. If an output is at 1 and another at 0 and they are connected together, then the two components are burning
- the '->' button in the 'Signals' window is hilited correctly
- the 'Windows' menu contains the names of all the opened documents
- the 'Notes' window font is monaco 9 which has a fixed character width
- no more 'Show notes' in the 'Edition' menu (use 'notes' in the 'Windows' menu instead)
- new component: 'Input4', this is the opposite of 'Display4'
- new simulation option called the 'auto advance delay'. This the delta time which is automatically added at the current time when the simulation has entered a stable state (in previous version of LS, it has a default value = 10.0, but in fact it didn't work very well)
- nicer nodes
- enhanced 'Module preview' dialog. The pin positions can be changed by dragging small circles (blue for the inputs and red for the outputs). This can be useful after having pasted a non-standard component picture. However the pin numbers cannot be modified yet.
- the stimuli window can have comments that start with '//' like C++. For instance :
input1: L0 50 L1 +50 L0 // this is a comment
// a line of comment
input2: L1 // this is another comment
- nicer command palette with icons and new buttons for 'component name', 'component options' and 'component delays' (which avoid to use the double-clicks + modifiers)
- faster simulation than v2.7a
- fix the bug that makes crahes with the 'Ñ' (Record) button
- stimuli are printed again in the 'info' window (if this option is checked of course)
- the meaning of the command buttons is shown in the 'help' window
- nice (?) background texture in the component list
- the drawing window is better refreshed (it looks faster). This mechanism uses about 250K of system shared memory (if available)
- fix an awful bug that can make LogicSim crash when many documents are opened
- improved memory management. That must avoid some crashes but may request more memory.
- fix the bug about the 'Record Stimuli' check mark
- draging components from the drawing area to the finder trash doesn't crash anymore
- drop & replace feature. For instance if you drag a clock onto a switch symbol (the target component is hilited), the switch is deleted and the clock is put at the switch location (without losing the connections).
Things to do╔
- "Print" command for Signals Window
- add an option to save only the visible part of the 'Signals' window
- add the time scale drawing in signal pictures (for saving or printing)
- draw the wires in color (red for L1 or blue for L0)
- text items in the drawing area
- update the SDK doc
- full "Undo" command
- color choice for LEDs
- add a "visible on signals" checkbox in component option dialogs
- search components in aliased folders
- a command to generate text files for MacSpice
- reduce memory and disk space used
- increase simulation speed
- print better on LaserWriter
Comments & bug reports : amasson@planete.net
(you must know that I must pay a lot to have an Internet access, so I can't always reply very quickly!)